Self Discipline in Education

Throughout my education, I learned self-discipline, the teachers I hated the most are now the teachers I am most grateful for. These teachers pushed me to my limits and saw the potential in me when I couldn't see it myself. They pursued me to get good grades and turn assignments in on time. Although I hated doing so with many tears along the way, I learned how to motivate myself in tough situations. My education taught me to have patience and gave me self-confidence when I got good grades when I was doubting myself the whole time. I'm also thankful for the friends I made along the way, they're great people who encourage me to continue doing well in school. Without them, I wouldn't be the person I am today, and I wouldn't care about school as much as I do now. Plus they're what makes going to school fun, id be bored all day and wouldn't want to go if I had no friends I could be myself around.


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