Rounding game


          Today was the official day that we met the students; We said our name and grade number. Ms. Montoya asked us to play a game with a student in the halls and then switch once someone won. The game involved rolling dice at the same time as the student and rounding to the nearest tenth, whoever had the highest number got to move up. At first I was nervous on how to talk with the girl I saw; She was sweet; She wore a hijab and was shy but so was I. She beat me and it took a while she was all about the rules. The last kid I played the rounding game with was a kid who at first looked irritated with the fact that he had to play with me, he later than got competitive and I felt bad because he was so happy and was close to winning, then for the first time I won a game after a couple students. Overall, I would say that i'm excited to be friends with them and get to be part of their elementary experience, because those where my favorite years of school.
Image result for dice


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